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Yasmin's Light Studio

Sacredness. Sovereignty. Soul.
The first person you must make friends with, is yourself.
The first person you must believe in, is yourself.
Once you have done that, the world will respond accordingly.
~ Native American Proverb.

Soul Healing & Restoration Program

Soul Restoration is a highly effective, efficient, and transformational process via Distant Healing,

supported with daily messages for 8 days and nights. 

Imagine having extra healing support, along with personal guided messages for a week.
The intention is to provide a safe supportive healing space for your Soul to work with you in making the changes necessary to create a healthier lifestyle, more in alignment with your higher self and well-being.   
Soul Restoration is an 8 day/night intensive distant healing program during which you will receive 4 nights of intense energetic healing. Night 1, Clearing. Night 2, Balancing. Night 3, Aligning. Night 4, Boosting. Throughout this process you carry on with your normal daily activities, with the knowing that your energetic field/spiritual bodies are being held in a safe supportive space to assist your body, mind, and soul to integrate and improve your vibrancy. With your permission, my guides, and I assist you by working in collaboration with your higher self to clear, transmute, balance, and align you, to ground your spiritual body and recalibrate your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. As a result, you will be less scattered/ overwhelmed, less anxious and confused, and less reactive to your environment. The intention is to maintain a calm, peaceful and discerning perspective as you step into your observer self, therefore supporting yourself by creating clear boundaries, and improving your self-love and self-care practices.

After each intensive healing session, Yasmin will send through information, messages, and practical action steps to help you in maintaining your Soul Restoration.
Aside from feeling better, more vibrant, and balanced in life, which is ultimately the desired outcome, the reasons why you may want to book in for a Soul Restoration are 1, You haven't had any healings with me before, especially distant/absent. 2, You have had healings with me before but it has been a long time between visits, and boy are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed. 3, You just know, you're out of sorts, and you're struggling to find your centre, peace, and calm.
To begin the Soul Healing and Restoration 8-day intensive distant healing program book a Discovery Call or send an email, so we can discuss your needs and schedule in healing times.  

What others say...

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Tessa S

Soul Healing and Restoration program, which was perfect for combating burn out. It helps you make a few lifestyle changes and provides you with deep

 and restful sleeps.

A true re-set. Thank you Yasmin." 

Rebecca M

I recently did Yasmin's Soul Restoration Program. From the first treatment I am now sleeping so well and I honestly can't remember when i slept like this. I feel much more balanced, calm and happy.

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